Crystals and Gemstones In History
Crystals in history, crystals, and gemstones have been used and carried around by our ancestors from all walks of life dating back many years. It has been found that the use of crystals dates back to prehistoric times. They were carried for their magical energies, and their significance in different cultures varied. Each community that has or still does use crystals around the world has their meaning attached and motivation. People around the world seem to be instinctively drawn to crystals or gemstones; they seem to be personally attracted to their beauty, healing attributes, uniqueness and one of the kind qualities. Many people have a deep understanding of their value and meaning in the greater scheme of the universe. It was believed the crystals and gemstones carried magical energies. The ancients didn’t have access to the enlightening scientific information that we have today concerning the power of healing crystals. Crystals have played a huge part in many cultures throughout history and have had some unique uses that seem a little out there to those of us who aren’t so familiar with them. Egyptians, Romans, Native Americans and more have all had some connection with crystals. And of course, countless cultures collected them for their beauty in jewelry and ornate décor, usually symbolizing status and wealth. Humans have always had a fascination with crystals; their significance in different cultures dates back thousands of years. Minerals, gems, and crystals have been used for millennia to enhance emotional, physical and spiritual balance.Popular uses for crystals in history:
Ancient Egyptians believed crystals to be protective; they used for protection and healing.
Talismans and amulets of crystal were most useful in enhancing health, attracting desirable things, and for providing protection in battle.
Ancient Egypt – a hieroglyphic papyrus was found in Egypt dating back to 2000 BC, it documents the use of crystals for medical cures – Lapis Lazuli was pulverized and put over the crown of the head, as it dried it was thought to draw out spiritual impurities.
The Egyptians used to bury their dead with quartz upon the forehead. This was believed to help guide the departed safely into the afterlife.
Malachite was used in headdresses of pharaohs as it was believed it helped them rule wisely. Malachite was also used for eye disorders; it is said that Cleopatra used it as a powder form for makeup.
Red Jasper was worn around the neck so disease could pass through and dissipate.
Many wore crystals over the heart to attract love and placed crystal-laden crowns upon their head to stimulate enlightenment and awaken the Third Eye.
In China – Jade jewelry and musical instruments were found dating back more than 1000 years. They buried emperors in jade armor for protection. Chinese medicine commonly incorporates the use of healing crystals – including crystal-tipped needles used in acupuncture.
Japanese used Scrying, a common practice in early Japanese culture (it is very similar to looking into a crystal ball or a bowl of water). Crystal quartz spheres were considered representative of the heart of a dragon and signified their power and wisdom.
Ancient Greeks often crushed hematite and rubbed it on their soldier’s bodies before entering battle with the idea that it made them invincible.
Ayurvedic medicine (India) considers crystals valuable for healing emotional and metaphysical imbalances. The use of various healing crystals is documented within the pages of the Hindu Vedas, which also references each stone’s specific healing abilities. Sapphires are thought to bring astuteness, clarity, and mental balance; and Jasper is thought to bring harmony, sexual vitality, and balance base chakras.
Native Americans used crystals for spiritual, ceremonial and healing purposes.
The Mayans used Obsidian for ceremonial knives and Clear Quartz to diagnose and treat a disease.
More recently….
In Europe, there is medical treatise dating back to the 11th century that documented crystals in the treatment of elements using them in powdered form to be taken internally, only the rich were able to take them due to the expense.
Germany 1609 Anselmus De Boot suggested that crystals had good or bad angels; the bad angels tempted people to believe that the crystal itself had healing properties and were not God’s gift bestowed onto the crystal.
The 19th-century documents the use of clairvoyants who were able to pick up on the physical and emotional effects of crystals.
Science stepped in the 18th century and concentrated more on the physical aspects of crystals including the chemistry makeup, mineral content and the formation of structure.
And the 1980s saw the emergence of crystals again for healing which tied in with the New Age culture. Since then there have been lots of books written on the subject, courses can now be found all over the country and techniques are continuously being developed.

Modern Uses
Modern crystal therapy is thought of as a noninvasive, holistic treatment for both mental and physical ailment. While not a ton of scientific evidence supports crystal therapy, its continued use throughout history signifies its potential effectiveness, and at the very least it is a fascinating phenomenon to consider. Crystals in some form are used in everything from electronics to home décor in today’s world. Sometimes the use is scientific, and sometimes crystals are merely an aesthetically pleasing piece of the earth to marvel at. Their significance depends on their use. You can’t ignore the fact that a major marriage symbol, the ring, is centered on crystals. Beyond that, the stunning shapes of crystals are still used in works of art.