Tourmaline is a crystalline boron silicate mineral compounded with elements such as aluminum, iron, magnesium, sodium, lithium, or potassium. Tourmaline is classified as a semi-precious stone, and the gemstone comes in a wide variety of colors ( Tourmaline, particularly black tourmaline, can be found throughout the world and is a rather abundant stone.

Tourmaline comes in many different colours, often in the same crystals. The Ancient Egyptians called it "rainbow rock," Tourmaline forms in granite veins and where limestone is metamorphosed by granite magma. If you are lucky, you may find these gems in river gravel near granite areas. Ancient legend says that tourmaline is found in all colors because it traveled along a rainbow and gathered all the rainbow's colors.

Tourmaline is a widely used shaman stone, it is often used in healing practices, as it brings you protection during rituals.

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline (is also called Schorl) it helps to protect the aura and brings Earth energy into the root chakra and the kundalini channels, by providing a protective shield. An excellent stone for protection, Black Tourmaline is a stone of purification, cleansing the emotional body of negative thoughts, anxieties, or anger. Black Tourmaline is well known to be a purifying stone that diverts and transforms negative energy. It can remove and transform negativity from an individual or any environment, has also been used to reduce radiation energy from TVs and computer monitors.

Black Velvet Tourmaline

Black Velvet Tourmaline

Black Velvet, the term velvet is just used to describe material that has crystallized in clusters of multiple bladed crystals giving it a dull velvet-like surface. Black Velvet will help to open all the Hara chakras, promote grounding and centering, security, and stability. Black tourmaline (or schorl as it is known) is all the same.

Black Velvet, the term velvet is just used to describe material that has crystallized in clusters of multiple bladed crystals giving it a dull velvet-like surface. Black Velvet will help to open all the Hara chakras, promote grounding and centering, security, and stability. Black tourmaline (or schorl as it is known) is all the same.

In history, Black Tourmaline was used as a stone of protection during rituals in many ancient cultures. Though tourmaline has been known since Medieval times, it didn’t gain in popularity until the late 1800’s when mineralogist George Kunz sold a tourmaline to Tiffany and Co. (

Blue Tourmaline

Blue Tourmaline

Blue Tourmaline (also called Indicolite) opens and clears the thymus chakra, and connects the Hara line and the emotional body to the Kundalini line. It invites surrender of all thought to the solitude of a liquid silence, a graceful world of letting go. Blue Tourmaline increases the ability for clear and honest communication and lends the courage to speak from the heart. This is a great stone to aid, protect, and balance healers.

Clear Tourmaline

Clear Tourmaline

Clear Tourmaline (also known as Achroite: it is a rare stone) protects your full aura, clearing and promoting contact and communication with positive extraterrestrial beings. This crystal aligns all of the Chakras and meridians of the physical body to the ethereal body. Clear Tourmaline obtains all of the healing properties of each Tourmaline colour. Because it is "white", it activates the Crown Chakra, and it can lead us to our path of service.

Green Tourmaline

Green Tourmaline

Green Tourmaline (also known as Verdelite), opens and drains the diaphragm chakra, purges and lets negative emotions go from the Hara line and one's life purpose. Green Tourmaline is ideal for healing purposes, as it can focus its healing energies, clearing the aura, and removing blockages. It is often used for opening and activating the Heart chakra, as well as providing a sense of peace and calm to the heart and nervous system.

Pink Tourmaline

Pink Tourmaline

Pink Tourmaline (also known a Rubellite or as Red Tourmaline), provides deeply comforting love energy, it will open the entire emotional body, bringing one's life purpose into earth-plane consciousness and awareness. This stone will help increase the flow of your life force energies. It represents a kind of love that goes very deep. One that goes beyond the love that you share in your human relationships, and one that reaches out to the universe!

Violet Tourmaline

Violet Tourmaline

Violet Tourmaline (also known as Siberite), protects against, spirit attachments, negative entities, and spirit possession. Siberite fills the Kundalini and Hara line channels, chakras, and aura bodies with light.

Watermelon Tourmaline (also called Natural Cat's Eye) heals and opens ones abilities to reach out to others, and helps with self-trust, and promotes self-love. Cat's Eye Tourmaline exhibits a "cat's eye" effect similar to what is commonly seen in a tiger's eye cabochons. Watermelon Tourmaline is a combination of pink and green Tourmaline that soothes the heart and counters anger or resentment. Used in meditation it assists with calming the mind and the emotions, allowing us to release stress. It also encourages service to the planet, aids wounded healers and heals past traumas. Watermelon Tourmaline brings one's prelife karmic agreements and life purpose into one's heart and opens the heart chakra to feel and receive Light's love.

Yellow Tourmaline

Yellow Tourmaline stimulates the solar plexus and enhances personal power.

Tourmalated Quartz

tourmalated quartz

Tourmalated Quartz is clear or white quartz which has pieces of Green or Black Tourmaline within it. These quartz crystals have strong metaphysical properties. They encourage a large amount of light to encircle your body, and this will heal you on many levels. Just like Black Tourmaline, Tourmalinated quartz stones have strong spiritual grounding energy as well as being potent psychic protection stones. This is because this combination embodies both the energy of Black Tourmaline and the strong vibration of Clear quartz crystals, which amplifies the Tourmaline energy.

Did you know? Tourmaline is both piezoelectric and pyroelectric - Tourmaline has the ability to become electrically charged on both ends by rubbing it (pressure) or heating it; when rubbed or heated, one end of the tourmaline takes on a positive charge and the other end a negative. It also absorbs light, which it later releases. Due to the electric properties of attraction and repulsion, it was coined the "ash_drawer" - of which was accidentally discovered by Dutch children, you can use tourmaline to pick up small pieces of paper and dust. Dutch Traders in the 1700s made use of this ability by using tourmaline to pull the ash from their pipes. In more recent times, tourmaline is valued for its durability as high frequencies can be passed through them without ruining the stone, making it useful as electrical tuning circuits.

The most expensive tourmalines are the blue indicolite, clear achroite, green verdelite and pink rubellite.

It also is the traditional birthstone for October, the stone for the Zodiac sign of Leo, and the accepted gem for the 8th wedding anniversary. The name Tourmaline comes from the Sinhalese (Sri Lanka) word tura mali which translates as the stone of mixed colors.

Black Tourmaline is invaluable for people who are ultra-sensitive to subtle vibrations and energies especially electromagnetic fields like computers, place around your home to protect yourself from toxic energy of any kind if you are one of these types of people.

Tip: You can use Balck Tourmaline to absorb EMF and electronic radiation (– it is excellent in absorbing and reducing the amount of EMF and electronic radiation our body absorbs. It is advisable to place large chunks of black tourmaline by your laptops, computers, electronic devices, fuse boxes, modems, etc. Or tape a small piece to the back of your phone.

What is your favourite colour of tourmaline and why? Tell me in the comments below.

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